a cotton swab in the ear can kill, quebec coroner says

by:Cleanmo      2020-03-13
The Quebec coroner\'s office said cotton-swab manufacturers should warn consumers not to put products in their ears after a man dies from the associated complications.
\"I think we should go further, maybe there is a pictographic on the package with a small ear and a red X mark,\" said Dr. Quebec coroner . \"
Jacques Ramsey suggested.
In a report released on Tuesday, Ramsey said that using a cotton swab to clean the inside of the ear can also lead to fatal consequences.
Ramzi investigates Montreal resident Daniel St-
Pierre died in March 2007 and accidentally pierced his eardrum two days ago with a cotton swab. St-
Pierre, 43, died in a brain
Brain complications caused by bacterial ear infection, he accidentally pierced the eardrum with a cotton swab while trying to treat painful ear pain.
While the medical community is aware of the dangers posed by cotton swabs, ordinary people are often unaware, Ramsey said.
The best way to clean the inside of the ear, he said, is to use a small finger.
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