
Choosing the Right Adhesive Level for Your Sticky Mats

by:Cleanmo      2023-10-06

Choosing the Right Adhesive Level for Your Sticky Mats

Sticky mats, also known as adhesive mats or tacky mats, play a crucial role in maintaining cleanliness in various industries, such as healthcare, electronics manufacturing, and laboratories. These mats effectively trap dust, dirt, and other contaminants from the shoes and wheels of people and equipment entering a controlled environment. However, not all sticky mats are created equal, as they come in different adhesive levels tailored to specific needs. In this article, we will explore the importance of choosing the right adhesive level for your sticky mats and how it can impact the overall effectiveness of your cleanliness protocols.

Understanding the Different Adhesive Levels

Substrate-specific adhesive levels are associated with sticky mats to ensure optimal functionality and avoid any potential damage or floor residue caused by excessive stickiness. The available adhesive levels generally range from low to high, and choosing the appropriate one depends on several factors, including the intended use, foot traffic volume, and type of contaminants that need to be trapped. Let's take a closer look at these adhesive levels:

Low Adhesive Level

Sticky mats with low adhesive levels are primarily designed for areas with minimal foot traffic or when using it on top of hard flooring where people wear regular shoes. These mats effectively capture dust, lint, and light soil, but may not be suitable for sticky substances or heavy-duty particle capture. Low adhesive mats are characterized by a less tacky surface, making it easier to remove shoes or wheels without feeling too sticky.

Medium Adhesive Level

Medium adhesive sticky mats strike a balance between capturing particles and maintaining ease of use. They are suitable for moderate foot traffic environments, such as cleanrooms, laboratories, or other controlled areas with a higher probability of contaminants. These mats are effective in trapping moderate amounts of dirt, dust, and debris. Medium adhesive mats usually provide better capturing capabilities than low adhesive mats but may require slightly more effort to remove shoes or wheels due to increased tackiness.

High Adhesive Level

High adhesive sticky mats are specifically engineered for high foot traffic areas or in situations where sticky substances, such as adhesives or chemical residues, need to be effectively controlled. These mats offer maximum particle trapping capabilities, making them ideal for critical environments like surgical rooms, microelectronic manufacturing facilities, or cleanrooms that demand top-tier cleanliness standards. High adhesive mats may require a more deliberate effort to remove shoes or wheels due to their superior stickiness.

Extra High Adhesive Level

In certain specialized industries, an extra high adhesive level may be necessary to ensure the strictest levels of cleanliness. These mats are designed for ultra-clean environments where even the smallest particles can lead to significant issues. They are commonly used in semiconductor manufacturing, nanotechnology research, and biohazard containment areas. Extra high adhesive sticky mats are the pinnacle of particle trapping capabilities while requiring a more deliberate removal process.

Custom Adhesive Levels

Besides the standard adhesive levels mentioned above, some manufacturers offer custom adhesive level options. These allow users to tailor the stickiness to meet their specific requirements. Custom adhesive levels may be more expensive and require longer lead times, as they involve testing and producing mats with adhesive properties optimized for highly specialized environments.

Factors to Consider When Choosing the Right Adhesive Level

Now that we have an understanding of the various adhesive levels available, it's essential to consider several factors when selecting the most appropriate sticky mats for your facility:

1. Foot Traffic Volume: Assess the number of people or equipment passing through the controlled environment. Higher foot traffic typically requires stickier mats to ensure efficient particle capture.

2. Contaminant Type: Identify the type of contaminants present or expected to be present in your facility. Different adhesive levels are more effective at trapping certain particles, such as dust, dirt, or sticky substances.

3. Application Environment: Consider the specific industry and environment where the sticky mats will be used. Industries such as healthcare or food processing may require higher adhesive levels due to stringent cleanliness standards.

4. Maintenance Procedures: Evaluate the ease of maintenance and mat replacement. Stickier mats may require more frequent replacement or additional cleaning steps to maintain their effectiveness.

5. Cost Considerations: Assess the budget allocated for sticky mats while considering the long-term benefits of capturing contaminants and maintaining cleanliness.


Choosing the appropriate adhesive level for your sticky mats is crucial for maintaining cleanliness in controlled environments. By understanding the different adhesive levels available and considering factors such as foot traffic volume, contaminant types, and industry requirements, you can ensure optimal performance of your sticky mats. Remember, finding the perfect adhesive level will help you effectively trap contaminants and provide a cleaner, safer environment for your employees, customers, and equipment.

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