Cleanroom Tacky Mats: Proper Placement and Usage for Maximum Contamination Control

by:Cleanmo      2023-09-07

Proper Placement and Usage of Cleanroom Tacky Mats:

Maximizing Contamination Control in Your Cleanroom Environment


Maintaining a clean and sterile environment is crucial in various industries, such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, healthcare, electronics, and aerospace. Cleanrooms are specially designed areas that control airborne particles, ensuring the utmost level of cleanliness. One effective tool used in these controlled environments is cleanroom tacky mats. In this article, we will discuss the proper placement and usage of these mats to enhance contamination control.

I. Understanding the Importance of Cleanroom Tacky Mats

A. Introduction to Cleanroom Tacky Mats

B. Their Role in Contamination Control

II. Choosing the Right Type and Size of Cleanroom Tacky Mats

A. Considerations for Type of Cleanroom and Industry Requirements

B. Optimal Sizing for Various Areas within Cleanrooms

III. Proper Placement of Cleanroom Tacky Mats

A. Entrance Placement and Precautions

B. Optimum Positions Throughout Cleanroom Zones

IV. Guidelines for Changing and Maintaining Cleanroom Tacky Mats

A. Frequency of Replacement

B. Proper Disposal Techniques

V. Supplementary Measures to Complement Cleanroom Tacky Mats

A. Implementing an Effective Cleanroom Gowning Procedure

B. Routine Cleaning and Maintenance

I. Understanding the Importance of Cleanroom Tacky Mats

A. Introduction to Cleanroom Tacky Mats:

Cleanroom tacky mats, also known as adhesive mats or sticky mats, are specially designed mats with multiple layers of adhesive film sheets. These mats effectively capture dust, dirt, and other contaminants from footwear or wheeled equipment that enter the cleanroom. They act as the first line of defense, preventing the unwanted transfer of particles inside the controlled environment.

B. Their Role in Contamination Control:

Cleanroom tacky mats play a crucial role in contamination control. Airborne particles, such as human skin flakes, lint, or dust, can easily enter cleanrooms through personnel or equipment movement. These particles can compromise sensitive processes, contaminate products, or even lead to critical failures. By placing tacky mats strategically, the entry of these contaminants can be significantly reduced, improving the overall cleanliness of the environment.

II. Choosing the Right Type and Size of Cleanroom Tacky Mats

A. Considerations for Type of Cleanroom and Industry Requirements:

When selecting cleanroom tacky mats, it is essential to consider the type of cleanroom and specific industry requirements. The adhesion strength of the mats should be compatible with the desired cleanliness level. For example, in a Class 100 cleanroom, where stringent cleanliness is crucial, tacky mats with higher adhesion are necessary. Additionally, industries such as pharmaceuticals or electronics may have specific requirements for the material composition of the mats to prevent chemical contamination.

B. Optimal Sizing for Various Areas within Cleanrooms:

Cleanroom tacky mats are available in various dimensions to suit different areas within the cleanroom. Entrances or high-traffic areas typically require larger mats to provide sufficient coverage for personnel and equipment. Smaller mats are suitable for workstation areas or between rooms with lower traffic. Optimal sizing ensures maximum contact between the contaminants and the adhesive surface of the mats, increasing their effectiveness.

III. Proper Placement of Cleanroom Tacky Mats

A. Entrance Placement and Precautions:

The most critical placement for cleanroom tacky mats is at the entrances of the cleanroom facility. Ideally, mats should be installed both outside and inside the cleanroom entrance. This two-step approach ensures that the majority of contaminants are captured before entering the controlled environment. Proper precautions must be taken while installing mats to ensure they remain flat and secure, preventing trip hazards or accidental displacement.

B. Optimum Positions Throughout Cleanroom Zones:

In addition to entrance placement, cleanroom tacky mats should be strategically positioned throughout different zones within the cleanroom to enhance contamination control. For example, mats can be placed near workstations, where personnel may generate particles during their activities. Additionally, mats should be placed near equipment that enters or exits the cleanroom. These strategic placements help capture particles and prevent their spread within the cleanroom environment.

IV. Guidelines for Changing and Maintaining Cleanroom Tacky Mats

A. Frequency of Replacement:

Cleanroom tacky mats have a limited lifespan and need regular replacement to remain effective. The frequency of replacement depends on the traffic, level of contamination, and industry requirements. Monitoring the color or transparency of the top adhesive film layer can indicate when the mat needs changing. It is recommended to establish a schedule for regular inspection and replacement to maintain the desired contamination control levels.

B. Proper Disposal Techniques:

When disposing of used cleanroom tacky mats, it is essential to follow proper disposal techniques to prevent cross-contamination. The mats, including all adhesive layers, should be carefully removed, rolled up, and sealed in a suitable waste bag or container. Depending on industry regulations, they may need to be treated as hazardous or controlled waste. Proper disposal procedures ensure that captured contaminants do not re-enter the cleanroom environment.

V. Supplementary Measures to Complement Cleanroom Tacky Mats

A. Implementing an Effective Cleanroom Gowning Procedure:

Cleanroom tacky mats are highly effective in capturing particles from footwear, but additional measures should be taken to minimize contamination. Implementing a stringent cleanroom gowning procedure, including the use of cleanroom suits, gloves, hair coverings, and face masks, reduces the introduction of contaminants from personnel. Combined with cleanroom tacky mats, these measures maximize contamination control within the cleanroom environment.

B. Routine Cleaning and Maintenance:

While cleanroom tacky mats are designed to capture contaminants, routine cleaning and maintenance are necessary to ensure their optimal performance. Regularly cleaning the mats with a designated cleaning solution or by removing the contaminated layers helps extend their lifespan. Additionally, monitoring the condition of mats, ensuring they are securely placed and undamaged, contributes to their overall effectiveness.


Cleanroom tacky mats are essential tools for achieving and maintaining contamination control in cleanroom environments. By understanding their importance, choosing the right type and size, properly placing them, changing and maintaining them, and implementing supplementary measures, you can enhance the overall effectiveness of your cleanroom. Utilizing these guidelines will help safeguard critical processes, protect valuable products, and ensure compliance with industry regulations.

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