
The Surprising Applications of Sticky Mats in Art Conservation

by:Cleanmo      2023-10-13

The Surprising Applications of Sticky Mats in Art Conservation


Art conservation is an intricate field that focuses on preserving and restoring valuable artworks. With the passage of time, artwork can accumulate various forms of dirt, dust, and debris, which can lead to its deterioration. To combat this issue, art conservationists have implemented innovative techniques, one of which involves the use of sticky mats. These adhesive mats might seem like a humble tool, but they have proved to be invaluable to art conservationists. In this article, we delve into the surprising applications of sticky mats in art conservation and explore how they aid in preserving artistic masterpieces.

I. Understanding Sticky Mats and their Composition

A sticky mat, also known as an adhesive floor mat or tacky mat, is a mat consisting of multiple layers of adhesive-coated sheets. These mats are constructed in such a way that each sheet has a thin layer of adhesive that effectively captures particles like dust, dirt, and lint from shoes, wheels, and other sources of contamination. The adhesive coating on the sheets is strong enough to trap debris, but not so sticky that it leaves residues on objects that come into contact with it.

II. Creating a Controlled Environment

One of the primary uses of sticky mats in art conservation is to establish a controlled environment within conservation studios or exhibition spaces. Controlling the level of dirt and dust particles plays a vital role in preserving artworks. Sticky mats are placed as a barrier near entrances to these spaces, ensuring that individuals who enter remove large particles of dirt and dust from their footwear or wheeled objects. This step minimizes the introduction of harmful debris into the surroundings and prevents further contamination.

III. Protecting Artwork During Restoration

Restoration procedures involve intricate work that exposes artwork to potential damage. Sticky mats have proven to be highly effective in safeguarding artworks during these delicate processes. To protect a valuable painting, for example, conservators might place a sticky mat near the work area. As brushes, tools, and hands come into contact with the mat, it efficiently captures loose particles that could otherwise settle onto the artwork and cause harm.

IV. Utilizing Sticky Mats in Storage Facilities

Art conservation extends beyond the conservation studio or exhibition space. Proper storage of artworks is equally crucial for maintaining their integrity. Sticky mats have found their way into storage facilities where they are utilized to prevent the accumulation of dust and dirt on stored pieces. By carefully positioning sticky mats at storage entrances, conservators can maintain an environment that significantly reduces the number of contaminants that reach the artworks, thereby extending their lifespans.

V. Ensuring Clean Display Areas

Displays are the final stage where artworks are showcased to the public. At this critical juncture, sticky mats play a substantial role in ensuring clean display areas. By utilizing adhesive mats in the vicinity of display spaces, conservators can minimize the amount of dust that settles on artwork while on public view. This not only enhances the visual experience for viewers but also protects the artwork from potential damage caused by prolonged exposure to dirt and dust particles.


The application of sticky mats in art conservation might seem simple, but its impact is profound. These unassuming adhesive mats have become an indispensable tool for conservators worldwide, helping to maintain controlled environments, protect artwork during restoration, safeguard stored pieces, and keep display areas clean. As art conservation continues to evolve, it is crucial to embrace innovative yet accessible solutions like sticky mats, as they provide an extra layer of protection to invaluable artistic treasures.

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