How to collect a swab sample

by:Cleanmo      2022-10-03

Select sampling area
Break the seal around the tube containing the cotton swab
Remove the swab from the tube, scrub and roll it firmly over the sampling area a few times.
Put the sampling swab back in the tube and mark the sample
Send the sample to a laboratory for analysis.
If sampling a dry exterior, we recommend using a damp or moist cotton swab. The swab test method has proven to be a popular test method with flood damage insurance claims and possible sewage contamination. When collecting swab samples for culture analysis, please send them to the laboratory within 24 hours of collection. If the analysis of the swab sample results in the count of microbial contaminants, the size of the sample area must be provided to the laboratory.
Sampling labels must be complete and legible.
The label of each sample must be indicated and the information provided as far as possible.
2. Collection methods of food inspection samples
Sampling method

Generally speaking, if the import and export trade has clear regulations on the sampling quantity of food, and there are no specific sampling regulations for sampling according to the regulations, the sampling plan may be determined according to the inspection intention, the nature and analysis method of the product and the sample to be sampled.
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