how to color with oil pastels

by:Cleanmo      2020-04-06
If you would like to color with an oil Powder painting, you should first make sure you have a sketchbook, an oil Powder painting, a cotton swab and an eraser.
First of all, you should place a banana or object of your choice on the sketch paper and trace the outline.
Next, you should color the object with a banana or with the color you want.
You should add your object in detail by first applying yellow on the bottom of the banana.
Next, add a little green and add details to the banana.
You can mix these two colors together to make the fruit look realistic.
Now, turn off the mix of yellow and green in the whole banana.
Next, add Brown and add details to the banana.
Now you can mix all the colors with a cotton swab.
Now, apply the Brown pastel color on the green and yellow around the banana.
Next, you can draw a line in the middle of the banana and mix the brown along the line with a cotton swab.
Now you can use chalk strokes as the background.
You can also mix the background to paper with a cotton swab!
Now you have bananas!
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