
Influenza virus sampling with flocked swabs

by:Cleanmo      2022-09-27

Is virus sampling with flocked swabs reliable? This article will give you the answer.

1. Introduction to influenza virus:

Influenza (flu) is an acute respiratory infection caused by influenza virus, and it is also a highly contagious and fast-spreading disease. It is mainly spread through airborne droplets, person-to-person contact or contact with contaminated objects. Typical clinical symptoms are: sudden onset of high fever, general pain, significant fatigue and mild respiratory symptoms. Generally, the autumn and winter seasons are the high incidence period, and the resulting complications and death are very serious. The disease is caused by influenza virus, which can be divided into three types: A (A), B (B), and C (C). Type A H1N1 is also a type of A. The disease is self-limiting, but infants, the elderly, and patients with underlying cardiopulmonary diseases are prone to serious complications such as pneumonia, which may lead to death.

Caused by influenza virus, the virus is not heat-resistant, inactivated at 100°C for 1 minute or 56°C for 30 minutes, sensitive to commonly used disinfectants (1% formaldehyde, peracetic acid, chlorine-containing disinfectants, etc.), sensitive to ultraviolet rays, resistant to low temperature and Dry, vacuum-dried or below -20 ℃ can still survive. Influenza A virus frequently undergoes antigenic mutation, is highly contagious, spreads rapidly, and is prone to large-scale epidemics.

2. Features of flocked swabs that can be used for influenza virus sampling:
1. It has an extraordinary ability to absorb water and lotion, which can increase the number of specimens collected on its surface from 20% of traditional sampling swabs to 60%, collect influenza viruses, H7N9, H1N1, and collect human respiratory tract infections. Viruses, influenza A Virus infection collection sample analysis,
2. Over 90% release rate for collected specimens, thus ensuring high reliability of results
3. Different preservation solutions are selected for different specimen types
4. There is a unique breakable design on the plastic rod, which is convenient for specimen transportation
5. Sterilized by ethylene oxide, individually packaged, equipped with virus sampling tubes, and the culture medium is convenient for transportation and storage at room temperature

3. Follow the steps below to collect influenza virus using nasal swabs:
1. Choose a cotton swab with a flexible plastic handle and a flocked tip.
2. Insert the swab directly into one nostril (not up) and horizontally into the nasopharynx until the measured distance on the swab handle.
3. Rotate the swab up to 5 times and hold for 5-10 seconds to collect the sample material.
4. Remove the swab and insert into a vial containing 1-3 ml of viral transport medium.
5. Break the swab handle at the score breakpoint line.
6. Label the vial with the appropriate patient information.
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