
Nasopharyngeal swabs for nose picking manufacturers

by:Cleanmo      2022-09-28

Nasopharyngeal swabs for nose picking manufacturers

Nasopharyngeal swab packaging instructions:
1: Use 50 nasal cavity sampling swabs with instructions for fresh tissue samples
1. Estimate the volume of this product required to completely submerge the sample (10 mL for 1 g of tissue).
2. Label the collection tube and add the estimated required amount of this product.
3. Cut the sample into pieces less than 0.5cm thick at the fastest speed.
Note: Small organ samples such as rat liver, kidney and spleen and plant samples without waxy protective layer can be stored directly in this product without cutting. For plant samples with waxy protective layer, the wax epidermis needs to be destroyed first.
4. Fully immerse the tissue fragments in the product in the collection tube.
5. Store the collection tube in a place where the temperature is appropriate. The storage time should not exceed the maximum storage time at this temperature. If you want to store it at -20°C or -80°C, you need to place the sample at 4°C overnight before transferring it to The final temperature. Note: Before transferring samples to -20°C or -80°C, the protection solution needs to be discarded. The relationship between common storage temperature and its longest storage time is as follows:
6. Remove the sample from storage (thaw samples stored at -20°C or -80°C at room temperature), and use sterilized tweezers to remove the tissue fragments from the protective solution.
7. Immediately begin RNA extraction or other processing (eg, split the sample into smaller pieces and re-storage, etc.). NOTE: Samples can be frozen and thawed up to twenty times without affecting their RNA quality.


1. Nasopharyngeal swabs are not recommended for common bacterial culture, except for special bacteria, such as Bordetella pertussis and Neisseria meningitidis.

2. If Bordetella pertussis infection is suspected, the laboratory should be notified in advance to prepare a special transfer medium (Regan-Lowe). Inoculation medium can be provided when conditions permit, until

3. Transfer to the laboratory after receiving bedside inoculation.

4. Nasopharyngeal swabs cannot be used to detect pathogenic bacteria in sinusitis.

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