What factors affect the density of the dust-free cloth?

by:Cleanmo      2022-10-23

Everyone may still stay on the dust-free cloth and it is just a hygienic ordinary rag. But now it has been widely used in dust-free and clean environments, such as precision instruments, components, circuit boards, etc. The quality of the dust-free cloth is also indirectly related to the quality of the product, and the density of the dust-free cloth is related to the density of the dust-free cloth. Quality has a direct relationship, and what are the factors that affect the density of clean cloth.

The dust-free cloth is made of polyester fiber, nylon fiber, PP, wood pulp and other materials, so the important factor affecting the density of the dust-free cloth is the different densities of these raw materials; secondly, the tightness of the dust-free cloth manufacturing structure is also It will affect the density of the dust-free cloth, and the thickness of the dust-free cloth will also affect the density of the dust-free cloth; in addition, the temperature during the refining process and the use of chemical reagents will affect the shrinkage rate of the material, and the corresponding It will affect the gram weight of the fabric; in addition, the stretching of the fabric during the setting process and other subtle movements will also affect the macro density of the clean cloth.

Of course, it is not only the density of the dust-free cloth that affects the quality of the dust-free cloth, but also other factors, which will not be introduced here. , shrinkage, etc.

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