
What is the collection method for nucleic acid testing with nasopharyngeal swabs_

by:Cleanmo      2022-09-27

What is the collection method for nucleic acid testing with nasopharyngeal swabs?

Nucleic acid testing refers to the collection of throat swabs, sputum or lower respiratory tract specimens, and real-time fluorescent RT-PCR detection of new coronavirus nucleic acid. It can not only detect viral nucleic acid, but also detect whether the virus in the specimen is highly homologous to the new coronavirus. If so, it can be diagnosed as new coronavirus pneumonia. The virus is highly contagious and has the characteristics of human-to-human transmission, but is sensitive to temperature and sunlight and ultraviolet rays.
Nucleic acid detection collection method:
Nasal swab test:
1. Ask the patient to keep the head still, and remove the surface secretions from the anterior nostril. The collectors stand on the side of the collectors, which can reduce occupational exposure caused by coughing and sneezing, and relieve the pressure of collectors.
2. Use a swab to measure the distance from the nostril to the base of the ear, and mark it with your hand.
3. Gently insert the swab in the direction of the nose (face) perpendicular to the nostrils through the nasal cavity, until the fingers touch the nose and feel the wall, let the swab stay in the nose for 15-30 seconds, and then gently turn 3 times.
4. Put the swab into the virus delivery medium, break the swab rod and put it into the trachea completely.
5. Fasten the tube cover, mark it well, and put it in a plastic bag to seal.
6. Timely delivery of specimens for inspection
Throat swab test:
1. The collector uses a tongue pressing plate to assist the collector. The collector opens his mouth and makes an 'ah' sound. The palate hangs down to expose the back wall of the throat.
2. Put the throat swab into the virus delivery medium, fold the auxiliary hose cover, and put it into the hose completely.
3. Fasten the tube cover, mark it well, and put it in a plastic bag to seal.

4. Send samples for inspection in time.
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