I like 3D printing with a Descartes printer.
I \'ve been using more than one printer for the last few years, and know what I now know about 3D printing of a Descartes printer, I thought I was ready for my first Delta 3D printer.
I decided to write this because I purchased my first delta printer after watching a video and some product reviews.
Just like the purchase decision that all hands are not enough, I have had some problems and consumers like me tend to think that the product is not working as expected.
This flexible attempt makes it easier for those new to 3D printing and new to Delta --
The style 3D printer starts this hobby. So here goes. . . No, it isn\'t.
I am writing this purely to share information with anyone using Delta in the community
Use 3D printer for the first time.
That is to say, without describing several aspects of the subject, it is inevitable to write the visible of this nature (product)at hand.
This gives it the look of a product review, and in fact it is not.
As mentioned earlier, this is one of the few times in my life by reading less than 10-15 reviews.
In this case, before proceeding with the purchase, I read the only 5 reviews on Amazon about this product.
Fortunately, this decision is not a shame!
Is there another lesson?
Don\'t blame the machine unless you have exhausted all your options.
I did it and once I realized my stupidity, I sent a follow up email apology to the manufacturer of this robot!
BIQU really put a lot of effort into packaging full packaging
Assemble the printer and fly from China to all over the world for long flights.
Given that part of my box is damaged, a quick check on the printer shows no damage. Phew! ! !
It is very intuitive to install the filament roll.
The rotary fixture is mounted on the top of the printer and is fixed by the screws provided.
But don\'t screw the screws too tightly.
Doing so will cause the bearings in the fixture to be locked to prevent the spinning of the filament roller. A simple hand-
Tightening is enough.
I have found that the filament rolls are installed in two ways and so far the way the printer works is not hindered.
The printer has a good touch screen display and preheat the nozzle to 200-
It takes only a few minutes for DegC.
Make sure the nozzle is preheated to at least 165-
DegC in front of the silk.
Like any other printer with Bowden --
Style the extruder, loading the filament is as easy as pulling back the spring loading roller and pushing the filament into the tube until it encounters the hot end and starts melting --
When the hot end is at the lowest temperature, you should be able to push the filament through the hot end and watch it squeeze out the nozzle.
Complete this step to confirm that the nozzle is not blocked and it will drop the material when you start printing for the first time.
This is the optional step I have to follow-
The extruder gear that grabs the filament and forces it to enter the Bowden tube slides over the filament.
I had to tighten the spring slightly using the Allen wrench that came with the printer to increase the load of the filament and increase the grip.
After completing these steps, clean the tip of the nozzle with a toothpick, turn off the printer and wait for the nozzle to cool! Okay!
This step may have been completed before heating the printer, loading the filament and then turning it off.
The most important function of a typical 3D printer is that it is able to accept the filament, melt the filament, and squeeze the filament through the nozzle before the filament can do anything else!
I want to make sure that all of this happens before I can go ahead with more advanced steps like automaticleveling.
Make sure the print head is completely cold before performing the automaticleveling! ! !
BIQU manual instructions provided automatically
The horizontal TouchPad needs to stick to the other side of the auto-
Leveling probe with \"characters printed above.
Guess what?
If you don\'t look closely, you won\'t notice the characters printed on the black plug, not the probe itself!
The image shows the position of the imprint character relative to the touch adhesion pointpad.
When automatically inserted
Horizontal probe, the male end of the wire (
Attached to the print head)
The metal part that must be visible to them must be placed on the same side as the character of the imprint
I got this info from watching the BIQUs YouTube video!
After inserting the probe, connect the touchpad to the end of the nozzle and make sure it sits flat!
Start automatic-
Leveling, playing automatically-
The level menu item on the touch screen and the printer will perform the rest.
After the printer is done, remove the TouchPad from the nozzle and unplug the probe from the printer.
The BIQU printer comes with optional removable accessories (
Called than surface)
Use on a glass bed.
This is a flexible layer that can be printed instead of printing directly on a glass bed.
Common sense suggests that if you are planning to use this accessory, then it must be installed on the bed before starting the automatic installation
Leveling procedure.
I am used to printing on a glass bed, so I have not used this accessory so far.
However, I realized that it would be much easier to get the bed\'s fingerprints if I installed the BIQU surface.
That means I have to re-run the Auto-
After the installation, this is my first printer without a heated bed.
However, you shouldn\'t have any problems making prints.
I will describe a method I use in all printers and I can confidently state that this method works for me on all printers including this one!
For this method, you need to have an alcohol swab on hand
I bought a whole box from the local pharmacy.
An ordinary, non-
The toxic glue stick works very well.
In this case, I used the glue stick that came with the printer.
Make sure the printer is preheated and ready to roll.
Be careful when working on the bed of the Delta printer as the bed is already fixed in place and your hands will work between the bed below and the hot end above!
Step 1: simply apply glue to the whole bed surface Step 2: wipe the bed with a slight circular motion using an alcohol swab
When you wipe on the bed, you will feel the alcohol swab resist movement because the alcohol will partially degrade the glue, resulting in sticky information. Step 3: remove the swab with your fingertips and pat the surface of the print bed at different locations-
If you feel your finger stick, the fingerprint will stick to the print bed!
Apply another round of glue if needed, repeat the process-
Usually the first round is enough.
Keep your hands away from the print bed before clicking the print button!
Typically, the incremental printer moves much faster than the Descartes printer, clicking the print button means that the print head starts moving down almost immediately
You don\'t want a print head of 200.
Dig your hand with DegC!
I saw a review complaining that this machine was not able to use a custom version of the software that came with this printer.
This comment is not entirely valuable.
My experience with the latest version of Cura using Windows 10 laptop is terrible.
For some reason, when I was working from a brand new Windows 10 laptop in December 2017, all the printers I could connect to using the old version of Cura became inaccessible.
As a solution, I switched to Repetier Host and luckily it didn\'t have any problems using any of my other printers.
Just because BIQU sent a custom version of Cura, I thought it would be nice if I could get the printer to work with the old version of Cura installed on my laptop.
To do this, I have to configure this printer from scratch and manually put the factory default settings into Cura, for which I followed the following steps: Don\'t miss the steps marked \"most important.
If you do this, the print head will try to run out of the bed area for absolute success (0,0)
Like the Descartes printer, the noise it makes in the process can really be shocking, especially if you are new to this hobby!
Page 6 of the BIQU user manual shows all the settings it uses in the custom Cura version.
If you are new then you may find it difficult to put the settings in Cura manually.
An easier way is to import your profile into the Cura that is already available.
I have attached a profile that will make it easy for you to transfer the settings to your own Cura installation.
These settings work well for me.
Once you have printed a few photos and are familiar with the settings, you should be able to fine-tune the profile to better suit your machine.
BIQU has a great touch screen display and control panel.
However, there are some quirks that make it a bit inconvenient to use.
This is a terrible color choice!
The option selected is black text for some reason (which is crazy)and the non-
The selected option is displayed in a clearer white text on a blue background.
BIQU, please change this color scheme if you are reading this!
Maybe put white highlight around the black text?
If you name your file like I did, this can cause you trouble.
Most of my GCODE files are named based on which printer slice I originally sliced.
Example: naming in this way will make all my files show the same on the biqu ui, and they are all \"gcB-\".
So far this is the only printer I have this problem.
Most printers display the file as a running list and the name is displayed in more detail!
Again, if you are reading this, please do something about it.
These are some of the things I realize that I have to get used to when using any Delta 3D printer: The delta printer has a circular bed, which means that unlike the Descartes printer, the printer has no front or back
For some reason, BIQU makes the front side with USB and power input.
You will see that all prints have a front facing one side of the printer.
I first side the LCD panel of the printer to the front.
The only working area of the incremental printer is the space between under the bed and below (heated)
The extruder at the top, made of the structural components of the printer, is surrounded by 3 loaves of bread.
This setting makes the work area tense and limited while the printer has the ability to move at high speed in such a small confined space.
On a Descartes printer, it is relatively easy to take pictures when printing parts.
However, floating print heads and structural parts hinder the printing of parts, which makes it very tricky to do so.
So make sure your hands and fingers leave the work area before you start printing or taking pictures.
The scraper/chisel that comes with the printer is valid, but when removing the print that sticks to the print bed, it causes the hand or finger to be cut.
On a Descartes printer, you can slide the bed to a convenient location away from the extruder and remove the print using the tool.
But you don\'t have this luxury on your Delta printer.
Given its complex triangle setting, it is not recommended to remove the head.
The tight workspace on a small printer like this makes it more limited to use the tool to remove printing.
If the tool slides, you may scratch one of the pillars, or, worse, your fingers!
Therefore, be careful when using this tool.
Alternatively, you can use the actual 3D printer tool that is really used to remove printing from the bed.
I will never be disappointed with this.
All the pictures are said!
When printing with a Descartes printer, I use the standard speed setting of 50 mm/s.
With the speed of printing, most affordable desktop Descartes printers show signs of quality degradation.
The basic reason is that the Descartes printer is a group of 3 straight lines working together to produce a combination of shapes and curves.
The fact that physical objects cannot make 90 tight
High speed rotation means that the Descartes printer must slow down around the curve to maintain print quality.
For example, a circle is a combination of several small motions on the X and y axes.
The curve will look great at a lower speed.
Increase the speed and you will lose the quality of the appearance of the smooth curve.
The Delta printer is here.
Floating head supported by the arm hinged on the ball joint-
It\'s like putting a pendulum on a pole!
This means that the Delta printer can \"swing around the curve\" faster than the Descartes printer \".
These pictures show the some to 126%/seconds of original Speed 60mm printed in than of magician on the of parts (
Higher at first! )
However, these parts are done very well!
I specifically chose the parts that have a lot of curved parts for them and you can see the results yourself.
This little robot made a great addition to my teenage son\'s desk.
The fact that it is printed as a single item and the joints move effortlessly illustrates the quality of the print!
This is the end of BIQU magician\'s \"start.
I hope this helps members of the maker community.