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How does TOC cleaning verification swabs sampling?

TOC cleaning verification swabs are a testing tool used to verify the effectiveness of cleaning procedures. They are mainly used in medical facilities and environments such as laboratories and clean workshops. Its purpose is to verify that the surface has been effectively cleaned and that there are no residual organic materials.

How does TOC cleaning verification swabs sampling? 1

The requirements for swabs in TOC method cleaning verification include the following four points:

(1) Smaller TOC background interference. On the one hand, it actually means the TOC background on the swab itself. On the other hand, it means the TOC background in the water we use when swabbing and sampling, as well as their consistency and reproducibility.

(2) Higher recovery rate.

(3)Lower particle generation. Particle production can contaminate the area being wiped, potentially contaminating the product later. To reduce the risk of contamination, we do not rely on wiping with swabs to take samples and then cleaning them. Instead, we should control the source of the swabs used for wiping, and choose materials with fewer particles to shed as  swabs.

(4) Sawtooth processing. When wiping, hold the upper part of the swab serrated to avoid contaminating the lower part. After wiping is completed, break the swab in the bottle and let the sampled part fall into the bottle. This not only ensures that the sample taken can be extracted as completely as possible, but also ensures that the wiped sample is not contaminated.

Standard practices for swab sampling focus on:

(1) Apply force uniformly, in parallel and in one direction, covering the entire sampling area.

(2) Complete and reproducible.

TOC Cleaning Verification Swab Sampling Process:

1. Open the package and take out the TOC cleaning verification swab. The two ends of the swab are the sampling head and the handle. There are usually marks or colors on the handle to distinguish one end of the sampling head from the other end.

2. Select the size of the sampling head according to the size of the surface to be sampled. Generally speaking, the diameter of the sampling head should be greater than or equal to the diameter of the area being sampled.

3. Before sampling, make sure the surface is fully clean and dry.

4. Put on gloves and remove a swab. If multiple samplings are required, the swabs need to be replaced each time.

5. Gently wipe the sampling head on the surface to be tested. The wiping force should be moderate and not too hard to avoid damage to the surface.

6. Wiping should include the entire surface and should be maintained for a certain period of time to ensure that sufficient samples are collected.

7. After completing the sampling, insert the sampling head back into the other end of the swab handle.

8. Put the swab head into the sampling bottle or bag.

9. Seal the sampling bottle or bag and label the relevant information of the sample, such as sampling location, date, time, etc.

10. Send the sample to the laboratory for analysis.

TOC Cleaning Verification Swab Sampling Precautions:

1. When using TOC cleaning and verification swabs, avoid direct contact with the sampling head with your fingers.

2. Before sampling, use powder-free gloves and avoid using materials containing cotton wool or dust to clean the surface.

3. When handling samples and sampling bottles, avoid any form of contamination.

4. The transportation and storage of samples should comply with relevant regulations to ensure the stability and accuracy of the samples.

Cleanmo is a manufacturer that has focused on the production of cleanroom swabs for more than 20 years. Welcome to discuss with us the sampling issues of TOC cleaning verification swabs. We will not only provide you with trustworthy swabs, but also give you professional guidance and suggestions.

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